Cosy Corner Kids OT is very proud to have Video Self Modelling (VSM) as part of their therapy toolbelt.

VSM is a powerful emerging and evidence-based intervention that is used to show children what they are capable of.

What is Video self modelling (VSM)?

Some children find it difficult to understand and visualise a particular behaviour or skill, impacting their independence in activities.  VSM aims to enhance performance by supporting the child to see themselves perform the skill. 

The occupational therapist will help you and your child identify the "just right challenge". This process involves assessing and analysing behaviour, and creating and editing the video to show that next step. VSM makes the most of the skills and strengths the child already shows.

Director Nicole McGrath presenting on VSM at the Occupational Therapy conference (British Library, London)

Why use VSM for your child?

We are passionate about this tool because we have experienced how powerful it can be in creating change and achieving goals. 

Historically, VSM has been used in education/psychology settings (Buggey and Ogle, 2011). Research shows this method to be effective in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, emotional and behavioural disorders (Seok et al., 2018) and neurodisabilities (Dowrick, 2011). 

Some goals that VSM can help with:


-Organisation & routines


-Oral motor skills

-Emotional regulation tools

-Access to technology (e.g. using a switch)

-Social skills such as taking turns

In Australia, VSM has been pioneered by Anthea Naylor whose background is in special education. Our director Nicole McGrath has had the pleasure of working with and learning from Anthea.


We will work with you to create VSMs according to your goals and those of your child. The consultation usually involves an assessment session and a filming session.

This service is also accessible via telehealth with coaching from the OT about the filming process. 


We are taking expressions of interest for children who may be interested in learning about VSM in a group setting. They will learn to create one for themselves. This is open to children who are 10 years and above. 


At Cosy Corner OT, we are passionate about pioneering VSM to become a commonly used tool in the toolbelt of health professionals. We therefore run group sessions and offer ongoing support to other professionals navigating VSM in their practice. If you are an allied health professional or work in a special education setting, please contact us for group training information.

video self modelling services

Video self modelling helps an individual recognise their potential to achieve a goal
— Dr. Peter Dowrick, VSM researcher
Hope is a skill that can be learned
— Anthea Naylor, VSM pioneer

Related links and references

Seok, S., DaCosta, B., McHenry-Powell, M., Heitzman-Powell, L. and Ostmeyer, K. (2018). A Systematic Review of Evidence-Based Video Modeling for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Education Sciences, 8(4), p.170. 

Dowrick, P. (2011). Self modeling: Expanding the theories of learning. Psychology in the Schools, 49(1), pp.30-41.

Buggey, T. and Ogle, L. (2011). Video self-modeling. Psychology in the Schools, 49(1), pp.52-70.